Deals in:
Scientific & Analytical equipment/Instruments
Industrial & Pharmaceuticals Machinery/equipment
Complete range of Industrial & Lab grade Chemicals /Glassware
Elecromedical Equipment’s & related Surgical Disposable/ consumables supplies
Meteorological Instruments/equipment
Test & measurement/Calibration equipment/Instruments
Diagnostic reagents for human and livestock
Material Testing Instruments
Complete Waste Management Solution, Including Medical/General Waste Incinerators
Coal and Biomas Testing Instrument and Generators
Fish Seed, Feed and Processing Machinery.
Exclusively we Deal – Products
We believe that selling just the product is an incomplete effort and we believe in provision of application-oriented service and solving our customer's problems. We ensure this by our experienced factory-trained service engineers.
+92 (51) 5557989
URL: www.pgepk.com